June 26, 2024
By: Katherine Trowbridge
North Franklin School District Board of Directors Chairman, Terry Utecht received a letter from board member Jon Fox just before the meeting began on Monday, June 24.
In Board reports, Fox stated he will be “stepping down from the board” but will “stay active until the position is filled.”
Board Secretary Susan Syrie said the district will start taking applications right away.
Superintendent Jim Jacobs, who joined remotely from his vacation in Hawaii, expressed, “Thank you for allowing me to serve all these years,” in his final report to the board. He added, “Thank you to Jon for your years of service.” He quickly bowed out to attend a Luau.
Chairman Utecht stated the vacant position is for Director District 5, Basin City, town.
The district released a press release on Tuesday, June 25 which said, “North Franklin School District would like to announce the resignation of School Board Member Jon Fox… Jon has served as School Board Director for over eight years. We would like to thank him for his dedication and commitment to the staff and students of North Franklin School District.”
The press release went on to explain, “To be eligible, you must be a United States Citizen and be a registered voter in Director District #5. All interested eligible persons are encouraged to apply. Please contact the administration office at 234-2021 to review the Director District boundaries.”
The board requests that each applicant submit a biographical sketch, including past experience in public service and a statement about their interest in becoming a board member. The Board of Directors will screen applicants. Applications must be received at the Administration Office, 1100 West Clark St, by 4 pm. on Friday July 12. Finalists will be individually interviewed at a board workshop on July 29, 2024.
While Fox had three years left of his term, the appointed board member will only serve until they or any other interested parties are elected by the people.