Mesa, WA. - Tuesday, Sept. 13 the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office put out a press release regarding the arrest of the former clerk/treasurer of the City of Mesa.
Danni Speelman (40), of Connell , was taken into custody in Richland without incident, according to the release.
The “months-long investigation into questionable transactions and missing funds from the city’s operating accounts” led to the arrest. It all began in mid-July when a representative of the city reached out to the Sheriff’s Office regarding a possibly fraudulent transaction they had discovered after Speelman had been terminated by the city.
Detectives investigated the claim, finding several more questionable transactions had occurred while Speelman was employed with the city. The investigation also showed where Speelman attempted to conceal the illegal activity using her position within the city.
Monday, Sept. 12, Speelman was booked into Franklin County Corrections Center on an investigative hold for numerous crimes including theft, forgery, and misappropriation of accounts by a public officer where she was being held without bail pending a preliminary court appearance.
A judge released Speelman on her own recognizance during the preliminary court appearance in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 13.
Her next court date is set for Sept. 20 at 8:30 am.
