June 27, 2024
By: Katherine Trowbridge
Franklin County Commissioner Clint Diddier made a motion to "terminate Mr Gonzalez for cause as administrator of Franklin County" during this week's commisisoner meeting held Wednesday, June 26. The motion came after an executive session with the county's legal advisors. Didier's motion died, due to lack of a second.
Commissioner Stephen Bauman then made the motion to place Mike Gonalez on "paid adminstrative leave" for two weeks as they consider the potential of signing a severence agreeemnet. Chairman Rocky Mullen seconded the motion. The motion was approved two to one, with Didier opposed.
Prosecuting Attorney Shawn Sant stated that in that executive session he presented the board with a proposal as seen in the packet to execute a severance agreement with the county administrator. No financial amounts were listed.
This all comes following an announcement by the City of Yakima that Gonzalez was one of three candidates moving forward as finallists for their vacant city administrator position.
Gonzalez stated, "Now that it’s been released to the public, I'm thrilled to share that I'm a finalist for the Yakima City Manager position! The City Council's vision aligns perfectly with my skills and experience. I'm grateful for the encouraging notes I’ve received. Yakima has held a special place in my heart, since 1998 when I first started visiting family in the Valley. Excited about the opportunity and looking forward to the outcome! Anyhow it turns out, I’m grateful I have gotten this far."
With ongoing issues at Franklin County including the current investigation of several elected officals on suspicion of criminal misconduct, witness tampering, criminal conspiracy, and making false statement to law enforcement officals along with ongoing issues between the board and Gonzalez, his decision to leave the county may not surprise some.
Franklin County has not given any statement regarding filling the vacancy left by Gonzalez at this time.