We are excited to review this year with our friends at The Franklin Graphic. As you all know, 2022 brought many changes to CPD. Our agency has been working to create a positive working atmosphere and increase public awareness. As your Chief, it is my desire to continue to improve the safety of our city as well as build lasting relationships that will reinforce a healthy community. These positive changes have been achieved through the hard work of our officers and staff, who are reminded daily that they are supported by our community. For that, I personally want to say thank you.
In addition to positive community engagement, we have been working to bring the most modern, up to date training and practices to our staff. Sgt Kory Robertson made the leap into retirement in August, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. Ofc. Milkar Gutierrez was promoted to the rank of sergeant earlier this month. Sgt. Gutierrez has been a known champion of community outreach and is often known as a friendly face.
Our agency has also worked to further establish partnerships with local businesses and is thankful for their daily cooperation and desire to build with us. We would also like to thank Red Waggin’ Pet Rescue for their constant support with our dog impound. Our impound announcements are now placed on our social media accounts and are further supported through the ability to scan a lost pet for a microchip.
Our community has experienced an unprecedented increase in burglaries and thefts this year. I want to reassure the community that we will continue to pursue the criminal element with all available means to make sure they are held accountable.
Overall, 2022 has been a great year for culture, fun and community in Connell. I anxiously look forward to 2023. Please note, the police department front office is closed. While City Hall is under remodel, we can be reached by appointment at 509-234-4141.
Chris Lee
Chief of Police