By: Katherine Trowbridge
The BB Cattle Company Bull Sale has been taking place in Connell for 53 years, a tradition begun by Bill Bennett.
It’s more than just another auction or bull sale, at BB Cattle, it is a social event. It all started on Sunday evening as guests began to arrive to view the bulls. A social hour was held, then dinner, and guests were invited to join the Bennett family in watching the Super Bowl.
A big lunch was provided on Monday as guests began to gather in preparation for the auction.
Even though Bill has passed away, the family gathers together to continue the tradition. It is truly a family affair as his wife Norma, son Joe, children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews gather together to make the sale a success.
While the auction doesn’t draw quite the crowd it once used to, online auction eases the need for travel these days, people still enjoy coming out and getting to see the bulls in the pens.
Guests came from as far away as South Dakota. Andy and Donella Elshere observed the sale online for a couple years, but never bid. This year they made the trek from South Dakota to Connell. They shared that they were “looking for good Canadian Bred Hereford Bulls.” This was their first time at the auction in person, first time to bid, and first time in Washington. They shared of the Bennett’s, “They are good, nice people, friendly.” The Elshere’s bought two bulls at the auction to take back home. Andy said, “They have nice bulls.” The Elshere’s also raise bulls.
Also at the auction for the first time, in person, were Roger and Holly Larsen. The Larsen’s traveled down from Colville , Washington. They traveled Monday morning, getting to Connell in time to enjoy lunch, and look at the bulls. Roger stated, “We liked walking out back and looking at them in the pens. We also enjoyed lunch.” He added, “It was a good sale, good cattle.”
The sale provided buyers with 108 Hereford and 35 Angus bulls. The Bennett’s stated in the sale book, “Our bulls have been bred and raised to add performance and efficiency in any commercial or seedstock operation in the country. These bulls are exceptionally stout, rugged and ready to perform. We feel quality seedstock is one of the best investments available...” Quality, award winning bulls are a tradition that BB Cattle is proud of.
Buyers included some locals like the Harders, and online buyers from Texas, New Pine Creek, Oregon, Missouri, and Northern California.
Top selling bull goes to long time customers Lawson Ranch in Oregon.
Leslie Bennett stated, “We had a really good sale and we appreciate all of our buyers”
BB Cattle Co’s sign proudly states “Guests Welcome” so if you’re ever wanting to tour a cattle ranch just hit them up.