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2024 Year in Review

January 9, 2025

By: Katherine Trowbridge

Photo By Christian Silva  - Northern Lights taken from Radar Hill (north of Basin City), overlooking Othello, Washington in May.
Photo By Christian Silva - Northern Lights taken from Radar Hill (north of Basin City), overlooking Othello, Washington in May.

2024 was quite a momentous year as the Franklin County Graphic Celebrated 70 years in our communities, the Aurora Borealis came to North Franklin not once but twice, and the community rallied together in support of those affected by the Lamb Weston closure. 

As we welcome a new year, we will take you back through our pages highlighting the top stories of 2024. 


We began the year by taking a look back at 2023.

Papa Ray’s welcomed new owners as the Robinsons bid a fond farewell to their customers. 

Franklin County Commissioners appointed Stephen Bauman to the board vacancy.

CHS alumna, Adriana Barrera, shared about her choice to attend Norwich University and her goal of becoming a US Marine Infantry Officer. 

Franklin County Republican Caucuses saw turnout nearly as low as the temperatures as Trump led in polling. 

Franklin County Commissioners select Rocky Mullen to serve as Chairman. 

Kaffrin’s Coffee celebrated five years in business, while Viva La Glam and In Bloom celebrated their first business anniversary.

Lady Eagles win at home on Senior Basketball Night.

Basin City Elementary teamed up with Missoula Children’s Theatre in a performance of “Robin Hood.” 

Readers shared snow pictures before frigid temperatures and snow turned to freezing rain and then rain. 


North Franklin and Kahlotus School District Superintendents answer patrons questions as they planned for special Feb. 13 Levy Elections. Elections saw favorable votes.

The Graphic honored the life of Christian Herrera.

Franklin County faced a multi-million dollar budget crisis. 

Connell City Council looked at water/sewer late fees, approved proposal to alleviate water rate issues. 

The Greater Connell Area Chamber of Commerce honored many with a full house - Man of the Year Jim Jacobs, Woman of the Year -Tara Proctor, Educator - Tricia Clary, Senior - Richard Schubert, and Businesses of the Year - Ed Poe, Rowley Hawkins Fruit/Fresh Picks, and B&R Aerial Crop Care.

Eagles Wrestle at State Competition.

Connell High School showcases talent. 

The Kahlotus Klothing Kloset opened. 

By: Miurlin Escalante - Jr. Eagles “Little Guy Wrestling” hosted their first tournment since pre-covid days on Saturday, March 23.  Over 463 wrestlers took to the mat in a well organized event.
By: Miurlin Escalante - Jr. Eagles “Little Guy Wrestling” hosted their first tournment since pre-covid days on Saturday, March 23. Over 463 wrestlers took to the mat in a well organized event.


Dorothy Forgey celebrated 100th birthday. 

Olds Junior High showcased talent.

Michael Baumgartner joined crowded field seeking to fill 5th Congressional District race.

NFSD Superintendent Jim Jacobs announced retirement, district formed plan for hiring process.

Connell Council extends AHBL contract, provides relief to water/sewer late fees. 

School Zone lights deemed beyond repair - city seeks grants to replace.

Lone Crow opens in downtown Connell - brings out crowd for grand opening barbecue.

Lady Eagles Softball winning streak hits six games. 

National Honor Society holds blood drive.

Basin City Elementary showcases talents.

Erika Guzman named Miss Connell.

City of Connell, community bid happy retirement to Ed Brown.

President Biden took votes in both Franklin County and WA State Presidential Primary Election.

NFSD Archery headed to Nationals after placing at the State Tournament.

N. Franklin Heritage Museum, Pasco Aviation Museum both named to Washington State Heritage Register as historic buildings.

Future of Community Float was up in the air, city council voted to surplus the float to chamber. Update: Chamber has plans to sell off float and truck in 2025.


The Graphic had a play on words with headlines with Easter Celebrated, One Year Later - New Life, and 100’s Gather, Sparks Fly to kick off April. The former American Legion building, now known as the C-Street Vault was opened for tours of the transformation. Local first responders gathered in the 100’s in Basin City for an electrical safety training with Big Bend Electric. 

Eagles Basketball earns SCAC All-League honors.

Larry Goade retired from the Coast Guard after 28 years of service. He is a 1996 CHS alumni.

The Graphic featured land and water in their annual farm edition featuring your farm life photos, the Conservation District, Columbia Basin Development League on Aquifer decline, the Farm Bill, and future farmers.

First season of CHS Golf in full-swing. 

US Bank employees bid farewell to community as Connell Brach closes.

CHS Drama Dept. brings “How to Kill a Mockingbird” to the stage.

Support for local residents with Multiple Sclerosis grew as large group of local supporters joined MS Walk in Spokane. 

Fresh Picks (Rowey Hawkins Fruit) held their annual Cherry Blossom Run with blossoms in bloom.

Shark attack - at the Mid Columbia Libraries’ Dia de Los Ninos event held May 4.
Shark attack - at the Mid Columbia Libraries’ Dia de Los Ninos event held May 4.


May rolled in with the selection by NFSD board of Brian Moore as the new district Superintendent. 

The new Ace Hardware in Connell broke ground.

HAAP Awards celebrated 35 years and awarded $285,000 in scholarships.

Kahlotus FBLA attended the state convention in Spokane.

The Graphic explained the newest statewide voter redistricting maps.

Tumble In Bar & Grill was featured as the newest food addition to historic downtown Connell.

It was a weekend full of activities as the Mid Columbia Libraries held Dia de los Ninos, Pasco held their Cinco de Mayo Celebrations, Kahlotus held a bicycle rodeo with the Franklin County Sheriff’s, and Basin City held a 3D family fun shoot hosted by the McGary’s.

SCBID sought a partial title transfer for Blocks 1, 2, and 3 as Columbia Basin farmers were hopeful with recent developments related to the Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program that will lead to the eventual completion of canal systems from Grand Coulee Dam to central and eastern Washington.

Connell FFA took on State with OJH FFA members taking first and second in Food Products and Processing, Addison Trainer was the state champion. The CHS Meats Evaluation team took 4th and Conduct of Chapter Meetings took 2nd.

Orchestra was featured as a new offering to elementary students, students could choose between orchestra and band. 

The first sightings of the Northern Lights led to some great photos submitted by our readers.

Seniors were featured as graduation neared in a special B-section. 

New Connell High School Principal selected as Mr. Walker set to retire. 

CHS Tennis doubles teams headed to state, track and field qualifies for state.

The community gathered to honor and remember at Mt. View Cemetery for Memorial Day.


Kahlotus Day celebrated Small Town Life to kick off June.
Kahlotus Day celebrated Small Town Life to kick off June.


It was on June 3, 1954 that the first edition of the Franklin County Graphic was produced. As June rolled in, we honored the legacy of Dave & Bea Adams as the Graphic began our 70th year anniversary.

The special B-section highlighted all the 2024 graduates with highlights from Kahlotus, Connell and Palouse Junction’s graduation ceremonies along with well wishes and congratulations from local businesses. 

ECBID breaks ground on Odessa Groundwater Replacement Project. 

Kahlotus Days celebrates small town life, all class reunion held with many former classmates returning to enjoy the celebration. 

We introduced the class of 2030 to our readers as sixth grade promotions were held.

Talent, and music was showcased with end of year programs.

NFSD honored retirees including Mr. Jacobs, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Walker, and Lin King. 

The class of 2014 celebrated their 10 year reunion. 

USDA Undersecretary Robert Bonnie toured the Odessa Groundwater Project. 

Concerns were shared by Connell City Administrator on the former motel. Cathleen Koch told the council that the new owners had not obtained any permits or licenses to operate the business within the state. The only permits issued were for restoration of the roof. 

Fire training exercise led to a safety zone along the south end of Connell. 

Pinewood Derby held at First Baptist Church in Connel to the delight of kids, young and old. 

NFSD Archery teams attended Nationals!

NFSD Board Director Jon Fox announces he will be stepping down.

Franklin County was losing another administrator as Mike Gonzalez resigned. 

Benny Benavides, CHS Class of 1975, was featured as he was named to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Basin City Celebrated Freedom over July 4th with a parade and the Freedom Rodeo.
Basin City Celebrated Freedom over July 4th with a parade and the Freedom Rodeo.


The Graphic asked readers “What Does Freedom Mean to You?” in a special feature. 

Also featured was the story behind the freedom quilts as raffle tickets were sold for this year’s design created by Tricia Freeman.

Franklin County Public Hospital District 1 welcomed new Chief of EMS Eric Brittain. 

The Fourth of July was celebrated with events in Basin City from the Parade to the Freedom Rodeo and fireworks.

Franklin County Fire District 1 proposes levy lid lift. 

Franklin County’s first responders shared with Franklin County Commissioners about the concerns with the emergency communications system. The system is no longer sustainable and is failing. Discussions were held on how to seek funds to upgrade to an 800 mhz system. 

The Chamber hosted a solar farm question and answer meeting with OneEnergy.

Primary Election ballots set to hit mailboxes as the Graphic featured what to expect. 

The Bailies had a nice visit with former exchange student, Ricardo West. 

A fire near Kahlotus quickly spread to over 500 acres. 

Former Miss Connell, Kylie Glendinning, named Miss Tri-Cities, Hadley Bleazard takes Miss Teen title.

Franklin County native, Marisa Howard, heading to Paris Olympics in steeplechase.

An innovative company looked to Franklin County to bring solutions by taking sewer sludge and turn it into soil. The story of their innovative idea was showcased.

Kade Meacham  shares a moment in the ring with his Grand Champion FFA Steer at the Benton Franklin Fair Market Stock Auction.
Kade Meacham shares a moment in the ring with his Grand Champion FFA Steer at the Benton Franklin Fair Market Stock Auction.


August rolled in along with the faces of the Connell Piranhas swim team as the season came to a close.

Pasco native, Marisa Howard took 7th in her Paris Olympic debut.

Lep-re-Kon Harvest Foods shared in the excitement about their new Connell Grocery Store building project telling more about plans, timeline.

Franklin County Commissioners moved to place emergency communications sales tax before the voters on the Nov. General Election ballot.

Kala Dolezal impacted many young lives as she taught swim lessons at the Connell Pool over summer.

ECBID worked to mitigate a canal breach, a breach also in Moses Lake led to lack of irrigation water south of Moses Lake to Connell and beyond.

The primary election results were reported.

Hannah Shaw filled the NFSD board vacancy.

Benton Franklin Fair showcased along with 4-H and FFA youth. Market Stock Auction brought in $1.27 million. 

School was set to start without school zone lights.

September honored our First Responders - leading off in the Fall Festival Parade (pictured) and with a barbecue in their honor.
September honored our First Responders - leading off in the Fall Festival Parade (pictured) and with a barbecue in their honor.


Othello’s new Iron Horse playground at Lion’s Park was featured. 

CHS Freshman, Conrad Villanueva-Bauer took first at the National Trap Shoot Championship.

Franklin PUD announces they are bringing broadband to Basin City, Connell thanks to a $4.85 million grant. 

Pie Sharks was featured as the newest restaurant in the Pasco Specialty Kitchen.

CHS all sports kicked off with the Eagles Nest Barbecue and the first home game vs Zillah, Volleyball began the season with a win.

Michael Baumgartner, candidate for US Congress, met with voters in Eltopia.

Kahlotus students were treated to a chef’s lunch as Kahlotus/Washtucna food services received grant/training.

Fall Festival brought fun, activities for families, community.

The CHS Class of 1974 held their 50th reunion.

Adams County Fair and Rodeo hosted Eastern WA FFA Chapters in judging competition. 

CBHA broke ground in Pasco. 

The walk-a-thon returned to Basin City Elementary.

Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show celebrated 30 years with a successful show featuring over 300 young exhibitors.

The Connell Chamber and City of Connell hosted a Job Fair at the Connell Community Center on Friday, Oct. 25 for former Lamb Weston employees.
The Connell Chamber and City of Connell hosted a Job Fair at the Connell Community Center on Friday, Oct. 25 for former Lamb Weston employees.


Betty Metzger reached 102, sharing her pioneer story with our readers. 

The Graphic shared “our stories” as we celebrated National Newspaper Week with readers. 

The top story of the year came in October as Lamb Weston announced the permanent closure of their Connell Plant. This story led to further stories from support announced by the city, chamber, and McCain’s to leaders meeting to look at options. The initial story has reached over 5,000 views on our website (, not to mention all the print readers. The closure affected (150 local) employees.

On a brighter note, the CHS Eagles welcomed October with Homecoming week and a win for the Eagles football team and a homecoming sweep by the volleyball team.

A MAGA Rally was held in Connell as the general election approached.

The NFSD Parent Advisory Council was featured as they assist migrant families in North Franklin. 

Basin City’s Comedor Mari restaurant was featured.

We produced our annual election edition featuring a variety of candidates.

HAPO announced they will acquire Community First Bank.

Northern Lights returned to our area. 

Bird Flu hit Franklin County with over 800,000 birds and four people infected.

FFA takes team silver at Nationals.

Job, Resource Fairs held to assist those affected by closure of Lamb Weston.


Lucy Campbell represented CHS at X-Country State.

November started by highlighting a number of Halloween events that kept families busy. 

Firefighters fought a fire at former motel’s vacant laundry building.

Cornhole brings generations together as they gather at the Connell Community Center on Tuesday evenings.

The Othello Skill Source held an open house.

Connell reviews budget in workshop and public hearings - making changes after over $1 million revenue loss due to Lamb Weston closure. City states the full impact won’t be seen until at least 2026. 

Students honored Veterans across Franklin County.

OneEnergy held a community meeting to showcase plans for Palouse Solar Farm project. 

Vietnam Veteran, Jerry Cohen, along with friend, Curtis Austin, were featured as they bring bikes to local kids.

CHS students performance of Shrek Jr the Musical “best to date”. 

Kennedy Hailey sets CHS volleyball record with 1,404 kills in her high school career.

The Graphic brought our second annual Holiday Gift Guide to readers.

Shoppers filled the WinterFest Market as Frosty enjoyed interacting with kids of all ages at WinterFest’s Sweet Saturday held Dec. 7 .
Shoppers filled the WinterFest Market as Frosty enjoyed interacting with kids of all ages at WinterFest’s Sweet Saturday held Dec. 7 .


The Basin City Turkey Trot brought families, community together to kick off Thanksgiving day with a run/walk. 

OJH honored Veterans, Very Important People, as the Thanksgiving Holiday approached.

Connell WinterFest ushered in Christmas with Frosty, Santa, sweet treats, chili, lighted parade, Living Nativity, and bonfire. The chamber provided fireworks. 

Lady Eagles Basketball opened the season with big wins.

Jeter Ramsey was featured along with the LifeSkills class who will be serving up hot drinks during these cold winter months.

Chamber announced their 2024 awardees: Woman - Tyra Gilbert, Man - Gerardo Barragan, Senior - Linda Bailie, and Businesses - Coulee Flats Dairy and Sand & Gravel. Mark your calendars - Banquet set for Feb. 6, 2025!

Kahlotus held a holiday market, lighted parade, and ugly sweater party to celebrate the season.

Our second biggest story of the year was when we reported on a Dec. 16 fire that took JC’s Mesa Grocery. The story received over 1,680 views on our website (

Lamb Weston submitted permits to the City of Connell for demolition of their Connell Plant, ending all hope of re-opening or sale of the property. 

Our annual Christmas edition highlighted local students' holiday concerts, our communities giving spirit, photos with Santa, and holiday cards ads from local businesses wishing our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

There it is, 52 weeks of news items from 2024. . . it is our history we are writing in these pages and generations to come will look back and see what we were up to… a little time capsule of sorts. 

Our third most popular story has to be our archives features each week - with our 70th year celebration we focused on featuring headlines and items on our front page from 70 years ago. People have truly enjoyed the look back both in our 70 years and 50 years ago sections. 

We are now into 2025 - and with your support-  be it news tips, photos, sponsorship dollars, by supporting the local advertisers and letting them know you saw them in our pages, giving or getting a subscription, or passing on ideas -  we will continue to bring news that is important and that showcases the people, events, and life in N. Franklin. 

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